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Обзор: статистика доходов и использования Twitter

кредит изображения — pixabay.com

Twitter — это популярная социальная сеть, которая позволяет пользователям общаться друг с другом с помощью коротких сообщений.

Платформа стала неотъемлемой частью цифрового ландшафта, и по состоянию на 2021 год у нее было более 192 миллионов активных пользователей в день.

Эта огромная пользовательская база привела к впечатляющему росту доходов Twitter за эти годы.

В 2020 году общий доход Twitter составил 3.72 миллиарда долларов по сравнению с 3.04 миллиарда долларов в 2019 году и 2.45 миллиарда долларов в 2018 году.

Реклама остается основным источником дохода Twitter, составляя более 80% его общего дохода за 2020 год.

Twitter также наблюдает устойчивый рост своей пользовательской базы. В период с 2016 по 2021 год количество ежемесячно активных пользователей платформы выросло с 313 миллионов до 192 миллионов.

Всплеск использования можно объяснить увеличением активности существующих пользователей и добавлением новых функций, таких как опросы, которые помогли Twitter привлечь больше новых пользователей.

Пользовательская база Twitter также становится все более заинтересованной в своем контенте, публикуя в среднем 500 миллионов твитов в день.

Об этой вовлеченности также свидетельствует большое количество лайков и ретвитов, которые пользователи получают под своими сообщениями, а также способность платформы создавать обсуждения, связанные с последними новостями.

Поскольку Twitter продолжает расширять свою пользовательскую базу и повышать уровень вовлеченности, он должен и дальше демонстрировать впечатляющий рост доходов в ближайшие годы.

Аналитики ожидают, что в 2021 году общий доход Twitter впервые превысит 4 миллиарда долларов

Если этот прогноз окажется точным, он станет важной вехой для платформы и ее пользователей

Продолжая вводить новшества и привлекать новых пользователей, Twitter может оставаться крупным игроком на рынке социальных сетей еще долгие годы.

Twitter App Store Downloads

There were 11.7 million App Store downloads of the Twitter app in the first quarter of 2019 – registering a year-over-year increase of 3.6% (Sensor Tower, 2019).

It was also the highest number of app store downloads per quarter for Twitter since 2015. 

But despite the increase, the Twitter app is outside the top ten list of most-downloaded iOS apps. It ranks 16th on the list pretty far behind its main competitors – Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. By the way, look here to find out how to get more likes with this list of top Instagram hashtags.

The app isn’t doing too well either on the Google Play store, even failing to make the top 20.

Twitter’s Trouble Turning a Profit

Twitter went public in November 2013 and enjoyed a strong share price of $45 due to investor interest. The platform is a favorite medium for celebrities and politicians. Reporters and journalists frequently use screenshots of tweets in their stories. Users can even use their accounts to boost hashtag movements.

Despite Twitter’s apparent ubiquity — and, some would say, influence — the company lost money until 2018. Since then it has finished just one year, 2019, in the black and has lost money in two of the last four quarters.

Share prices have also been volatile over the last few years, in part due to the company’s performance but also as a result of other factors. Notably, the stock dipped sharply in January 2020 after Twitter banned former President Donald Trump from the platform. Trump’s account had been Twitter’s most popular. The stock price recovered quickly, but following a year-long rally, during which it reached an all-time-high closing price of $77.06, shares have struggled to regain momentum.

Overall, 2021 was a difficult year that saw an $809.5 million class-action settlement, in addition to pandemic-related challenges. But since late last year, the company has been under the leadership of a full-time CEO: Parag Agrawal, who replaced Jack Dorsey in November 2021. Those who questioned Dorsey’s leadership saw this as a positive move that could turn Twitter around.

Интерес к социальным сетям

В наше современное время социальные сети стали неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни. Они позволяют нам быть всегда на связи с друзьями и близкими, делиться своими мыслями и идеями, а также получать актуальную информацию.

Интерес к социальным сетям неизменно растет, и Илон Маск является ярким примером того, как активное использование Twitter может помочь в достижении целей и влиять на мнение публики. Илон Маск, основатель SpaceX и Tesla, известен своими твитами, которые часто становятся объектом широкого обсуждения и обладают большой популярностью.

Twitter — одна из самых популярных социальных сетей, где можно делиться своими мыслями, идеями и новостями в режиме реального времени. Ее удобство и простота использования делают ее очень привлекательной для многих людей, в том числе и для знаменитостей и бизнесменов, таких как Илон Маск.

Использование Twitter Илоном Маском позволяет ему оставаться в центре внимания и контактировать с миллионами людей со всего мира. Он использует социальную сеть в качестве инструмента для привлечения внимания к своим компаниям, обсуждения актуальных вопросов и выражения своих мнений. Таким образом, Илон Маск использует Twitter как средство коммуникации, чтобы инициировать дискуссии, поднять важные вопросы и повлиять на общественное мнение.

Он также признается, что многие из его твитов являются спонтанными и не всегда задумывался над тем, как они могут повлиять на других людей. Тем не менее, его активное использование Twitter создает образ эксцентричного и самоуверенного предпринимателя, который не боится высказывать свое мнение и искать взаимодействие с публикой.

Таким образом, интерес к социальным сетям, в частности к Twitter, становится все более растущим. Он предлагает уникальные возможности для людей, как обычных пользователей, так и публичных личностей, чтобы выразить себя, влиять на общественное мнение и быть в центре внимания. Илон Маск — это яркий пример, показывающий, как активное использование социальных сетей может помочь в достижении целей и создании имиджа.

Влияние на массовую аудиторию

Илон Маск, будучи одним из самых успешных предпринимателей нашего времени, обладает огромным влиянием на массовую аудиторию. Его активная и частая активность в Twitter позволяет ему достигать широкой аудитории и влиять на общественное мнение.

Одна из главных причин, почему Маск регулярно общается с публикой через Twitter, это его стремление собрать и поддержать большое количество последователей

Каждый его твит привлекает внимание не только среди его фанатов, но и в медиа, благодаря чему информация быстро распространяется

Использование Twitter, как канала коммуникации, позволяет Илону Маску поддерживать прямую связь с массовой аудиторией. Ответы на вопросы, общение с фанатами и даже обсуждение проблемных ситуаций – всё это делает его доступным и близким для аудитории

Он ставит себя в центре внимания, привлекая всеобщее внимание к своим идеям, проектам и деловым предложениям

Влияние Илона Маска на массовую аудиторию проявляется не только в области бизнеса и предпринимательства, но и в различных социальных и политических вопросах. Тем самым он становится фактором в формировании общественного мнения, действуя как публичный лидер и авторитетный голос.

Прославление личного бренда

В своих твитах Маск активно обсуждает свои проекты, делится новостями, идеями и планами, что позволяет ему поддерживать интерес и внимание общественности. Кроме того, Илон Маск часто использует Twitter для коммуникации с поклонниками, отвечает на их вопросы, высказывает свое мнение и демонстрирует свою экспертность в различных областях

Такое активное использование социальных сетей помогает Илону Маску укрепить свой личный бренд, создавая образ успешного и влиятельного предпринимателя

Его твиты широко цитируются, обсуждаются и привлекают внимание СМИ, благодаря чему он получает большую публичность и популярность

Кроме того, прославление личного бренда через Twitter позволяет Илону Маску контролировать информацию о себе и своих проектах. Он может напрямую общаться с публикой и давать свое видение на различные события и вопросы, не завися от интерпретации в СМИ или других источников. Это позволяет ему создать своеобразный имидж эксперта и авторитета в своей области.

Таким образом, использование Twitter Илоном Маском является не только средством коммуникации с поклонниками и покупателями, но и эффективным инструментом прославления своего личного бренда. Благодаря этому он продолжает оставаться одним из самых оказывающих влияние и заметных предпринимателей в мире бизнеса и технологий.

Составьте распорядок свободного времени

Утренний и вечерний распорядок дня — неотъемлемая часть эффективного тайм-менеджмента.

Дорси просыпается около шести утра и начинает день с часовой медитации. Он большой поклонник Випассаны и уже участвовал в нескольких духовных практиках. В 2019 году на подкасте с Беном Гринфилдом Дорси сказал, что медитация стала самым значимым его решением в отношении психического здоровья и борьбы со стрессом.

После медитации Дорси выполняет 7-минутную зарядку, а затем отправляется в сауну на 20 минут. По вторникам и четвергам он работает удаленно, а в остальные дни ходит на работу пешком — путь занимает около 1 часа 15 минут.

Дорси ложится спать в 11 вечера. Перед этим он проводит еще одну часовую медитацию и ужинает. Миллиардер также известен тем, что ест всего один раз в день: «‎В течение последних двух лет я только ужинаю. Обычно я начинаю есть около 18:30 и заканчиваю примерно в 20:30, максимум в 21:00. При этом я могу еще выпить вина, обычно красного».

Changes in Twitter since April 2022 Copied Copy To Clipboard

Back in April 2022, Musk said all the right words about the crucial role Twitter would play for civilization, but then he began to temporize, attempting to put the deal on hold because of spambots. Nevertheless, $44 billion was eventually paid for Twitter in October 2022, after which the platform began experiencing various changes that continue taking place until now.

How has Musk Changed Twitter?

The most inconvenient of these changes is Twitter’s recent change of name. On July 22, 2023, Twitter was re-baptized into X, and the iconic bird logo was replaced with “X.” But as Musk warned that this was only a temporary logo, more changes in the company’s branding are possibly in the cards. The app also altered its official handle to @x as part of the rebranding. The original @Twitter handle is now deactivated and redirects users to @x for updates. Meanwhile, Musk is planning to auction off the old Twitter building signs and other relics of the company’s past. Large bird cages, oil paintings, desks, chairs, and a DJ booth are among the 584 lots presented at the auction. People who like these items for sentimental reasons will be able to purchase them at the beginning of September 2023.

Changes in the company’s name followed changes in its upper management. In May, Musk stepped down from his position as Twitter (X) CEO, ceding this place to Linda Yaccarino, who had left her role as chairman of Global Advertising & Partnerships at NBCU to help out Musk.

After passing the CEO baton to Yaccarino, Musk became the company’s executive chair and CTO.

Other changes made in 2023 abound. 

In July 2023, Apple began to accept the rebranding of Twitter’s app to X in the App Store. Although Apple does not let developers name their apps as a single character, it made an exception for Elon Musk. X also changed its App Store tagline from “Let’s Talk” to “Blaze Your Glory!”

At the same time, in July, X opened up its ad revenue-sharing program worldwide to eligible creators. As Musk clarified, the program would give out $5 million in the first round of creator payments. In August, it lowered requirements for X’s creator payout program. Those creators who gain 5 million impressions in the previous three months (rolling) are eligible for ad revenue sharing. Before, the number of impressions was higher, at 15 million. To qualify for payouts, however, users also need to have over 500 followers.

Musk also started talking about job postings on X. Although the feature doesn’t yet exist, some organizations have already started posting job listings, which take applicants to their websites where they submit their applications.

In addition to job listings, Twitter Notes came back in July 2023. This feature will allow users to publish long-form content when they have a lot to say. A month before that, X limited the number of tweets users can read daily. According to new rules, holders of verified accounts can read a maximum of 6,000 posts daily. In contrast, unverified users must be happy with only 600 posts a day. Recently registered, unverified users experience even stricter restrictions with an allowance of a meager 300 posts a day. But although subscribers can read less now, they can compose longer tweets. Twitter Blue subscribers are now permitted to post 25,000-character-long sentences. They can also choose any emoji to react to a DM in a conversation, and edit their posts if they spot a typo.  

The list of changes introduced on X can go on almost ad infinitum. Considering Elon Musk’s inventiveness and impulsiveness, there is no guessing how far he can go in revolutionizing X in 2023 or several years down the line.

X might become surprisingly different from the company we are familiar with now.


Twitter Statistics For 2024 (Top Picks)

This section highlights all the important Twitter statistics at a glance. If you don’t have time to go through the whole content, this section will help you understand the key takeaways. Let’s get on with it:

  • Twitter has around 528.3 million monetizable monthly active users as of 2023. It is estimated that this number will reach 652.23 million by 2028.
  • Twitter currently has 237.8 million monetizable daily active users (mDAU).
  • Twitter might lose around 32 million users in 2024.
  • The United States has the highest number of Twitter users – 95.4 million.
  • Twitter has 41.5 million monetizable daily active users in the United States. An average Twitter user spends around 30.9 minutes on the platform every day.
  • The majority of Twitter’s audience (38.5%) belongs to the 25 to 34 age group.
  • Twitter is valued at $41.09 billion.
  • Twitter has a 56.4% male audience and 43.6% female audience.

How big is Twitter’s advertising business?

In 2021 the company made over $4.5 billion from advertising services alone.

Also, if we compare those numbers with and advertising revenues, we can understand the proportion of Twitter digital advertising cake back in 2021.

In 2021 Amazon generated around $31 billion in advertising revenues. Becoming one of the key competitors of the Google and Facebook duopoly.

What are the Twitter key metrics? The factors that affect Twitter’s growth

Each company has a few critical metrics to monitor daily, weekly, and monthly.

Those are the metrics Twitter looks at for the success of its business:

The change in metrics, such as monthly and daily active users and change in ad engagement, can cause the business.

User growth trends reflected in the MAUs, changes in DAUs and monetization trends reflected in advertising engagements are vital factors that affect Twitter revenues.

X’s History, Leadership, and Recent Developments

As of the end of July 2023, Twitter officially changed its name to X. The rebrand is yet another step in the ongoing transformation of the social media company, which changed the blue bird icon to the new black and white X logo. X has debuted the new logo on its desktop version, and a sign reflecting the company’s new name appeared on its San Francisco headquarters.

Twitter was created by former Odeo employees Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Evan Williams, and Biz Stone, and  publicly launched in July 2006. Originally, the site used SMS to send tweets onto thenetwork and its defining features were the tight limits placed on each post or “tweet” (140 characters, doubled to 280 in 2017).

On April 25, 2022, Twitter announced that Elon Musk, founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of Tesla Inc., would acquire the company for $44 billion. Upon closing, the company would become privately held with all shareholders receiving $54.20 in cash for each share of the company owned.

The road to sealing the deal was a rocky one but Elon Musk completed his acquisition of Twitter on Oct. 27, 2022. Musk acted as CEO of Twitter until he stepped down in June 2023 and was replaced by Linda Yaccarino, who previously was the chair of advertising sales for NBCUniversal.

Soon Musk began making changes to the company and introduced a series of reforms andmanagement changes, rising concerns about the company’s ability to maintain its platform. Its workforce was drastically reduced by laying off half of the employees on Nov. 4, 2022 in order to cut costs (a measure taken to compensate for the drop in the company’s revenue). In total, about 80% of X’s staff has been laid off  since Musk took over the company, or more than 6,000 people. As of 2023, the social media platform has only 1,500 employees, down from under 8,000 who were employed at the time of the acquisition.

On Nov. 20, 2022, Musk also reinstated Donald Trump’s account (the former President was banned from the platform for inciting violence at the Capitol riots in 2021) causing advertisers to pull off due to what was seen as relaxed content moderation policies. More than half of Twitter’s top 1,000 advertisers in September 2022 (including major brands such as Coca-Cola, Unilever, Jeep, and Wells Fargo) were no longer spending on the platform in the first weeks of January 2023.

Also in November 2022, the Twitter Blue subscription service was relaunched as a way to generate revenue. In 2023, Twitter Inc. ceased to be an independent company after merging with a newly formed shell X Corp., a privately owned company operating within the X Holding Co.

What Is the Financial Status of X?

On July 15, 2023, Elon Musk declared in a post  that his company is having a negative cash flow due to a “50% drop in advertising revenue plus heavy debt load.”

What Is X Blue?

X Blue is a paid subscription service intended to “elevate quality conversations on the platform.” The additional features designed to improve user experience and promote higher quality allow users to expand their reach, see fewer ads, and customize their experience on the platform.

X Blue has two different costs: if you purchase it in your web browser, it costs $8/month or $84/year. If you sign up through the iOS or Android app, X Blue it costs $ $11/month or $114.99/year.

Which Social Media Generates the Most Revenue?

Facebook and Instagram (both owned by Meta Platforms) generate the most revenue. Combined, they are responsible for around half of all revenue generated by social networking apps. As of Q2 2023, Facebook generated $17,550 million, and Instagram $13,876.

The Bottom Line

X generated $4.4 billion revenue in 2022, a 11% decrease on 2021 figures. Revenue is expected to be worse in 2023 due to a loss of advertising revenue. Still, 90% of X’s revenue came from advertising in 2022. X Blue, a paid subscription service, was launched as a way to generate non-advertising-based revenue, but the question on how much subscriptions will bring in the upcoming months remains uncertain.

Twitter (X) Statistics and Facts You Should Know in 2023 Copied Copy To Clipboard

  • Even though Musk bought Twitter for $44 billion, in May 2023 its worth amounted to only $15 million, nearly a third of what Musk paid for it a year earlier.
  • The highest end-of-day price of Twitter stock (TWTR) reached $77.63 on the first of March, 2021.
  • Its lowest end-of-the-day price sank to $14.01 on the third of May, 2016.  
  • In 2021, Twitter’s annual revenue was just over $5 billion. That year, the company incurred a net loss of $221 million.
  • The first tweet was sent on 21 March 2006 by Jack Dorsey, one of the company’s founders. It said: “just setting up my twttr” by @jack.
  • The hashtag idea was proposed in August 2007 by Chris Messina. He wrote: “How do you feel about using # for groups?” Elon Musk now says that he hates hashtags.
  • Twitter expanded its character limit from 140 to 280 in November 2017.
  • In April 2023, Musk fired more than 6,000 Twitter employees.
  • The company made a profit for the first time in its history in the fourth quarter of 2017. It earned a $91 million profit on revenue of $732 million.
  • In February 2012, Twitter announced a partnership with the Russian search engine Yandex.
  • In October 2012, Twitter bought Vine. In January 2013, the company released it as a separate app. The app closed down in October 2016.
  • In November 2013, Twitter went public with shares valued at $26 at the opening. Their price nearly doubled – $44- by the closing that day.
  • The most popular brand account on Twitter is YouTube.
  • Twitter is the 9th most visited website worldwide.
  • It is the world’s 7th favorite social media platform.
  • In 2023, Twitter’s user count is expected to grow to 329 million.
  • 76.9 million Americans have a Twitter account.
  • The average user spends 5.1 hours a month on Twitter.
  • Over 16% of internet users aged 16-64 use Twitter for brand research.
  • People spent 6 minutes per day on Twitter in 2023.
  • Twitter’s CPM is the lowest out of all major platforms.
  • Ad revenue on Twitter is more than $1.41 billion.
  • Twitter is more popular with millennials than Gen-Z.
  • There are over 500 million tweets sent per day.
  • The most talked about  athletes on Twitter are LeBron James and Simone Biles. 
  • An average user has over 700 followers.
  • There are 391 million Twitter accounts with zero followers.
  • Brands send on average 0.86 tweets per day, for which they see a median engagement of 0.048%.
  • Twitter used to be a public company before Musk purchased it. On November 8, 2022, it was delisted from the New York Stock Exchange.
  • More than 5000 employees are working in 2023 at Twitter. Rumors have it that 2000 more will be hired in 2023.
  • Twitter’s engineering team is the largest in the company.
  • Twitter is frequently sued by its employees. In August 2023, Twitter was sued by seven former employees who allege they were discriminated against based on sex, age, race, and/or for taking medical leave. Following 2022’s layoffs, former employees claim that Twitter failed to pay promised severance, failed to follow layoff notification requirements, discriminated against them based on age, sex, and disability, and failed to pay vendors and employee bonuses.
  • Twitter’s competitors and similar companies include YouTube, Meta, Instagram, Google, Snap, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, and WeChat.
  • Twitter is available in almost all countries except China, North Korea, and Iran, where it is blocked.


How Are Instagram Threads Affecting Twitter?

Until July 2023, Twitter did not have any major competitors in the micro-blogging niche. But things have changed, Instagram recently uncovered the “Threads” app that people are terming to be a “potential Twitter Killer.”

Does the app really have that much potential? It did manage to gain a lot of userbase in a very short time, but it now has a very low engagement rate.

Bonus: Our comparison between Twitter (X) and Threads, where we compare them on factors such as the user interface, privacy, and pricing.

Only time will tell how things will unfold for both platforms. Currently, Twitter has taken a hit. Let us see some statistics involved in this case:

Cloudflare’s data reveals that Twitter has now slipped to the 37th position in domain ranking. This is a huge drop since the start of the year when it was in the 32nd position.

While many were claiming that Twitter’s traffic took a hit after the launch of Threads. Twitter’s CEO, Linda Yaccarino took to Twitter to reveal that Twitter had the largest usage day since February.

Twitter has limited Threads Search on the platform. Search for Threads content on Twitter currently brings up zero results, despite plenty of links to Meta’s microblogging rival being posted on the platform.

Number of Twitter Users

One of the first questions that come to mind when considering using Twitter for business success is probably: how many people use Twitter?

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According to experts’ recent estimates, there are 353.9 million monthly active users on Twitter in 2023 (eMarketer, 2022). This is a 3.9% year-over-year decrease and makes up 9.4% of the total number of social media users worldwide. 

Breaking that down further, we see that it’s the lowest number in three years, and the first time the number of Twitter users has fallen in at least four years. The platform’s user decline is also set to continue into 2024, falling by 5.1% to 335.7 million.

Despite the dip, Twitter’s user base remains in the millions, and with such figures, it should come as no surprise that Twitter ranks among consumers’ favorite social media platforms in the world. And while it may still pale in comparison with , there’s no question that the reach of Twitter for any marketing campaign remains huge.

Twitter’s Takeover & Rebranding Timeline

So, the Tesla and SpaceX bossman is now the boss of Twitter as well; let us have a look at the statistics associated with this grand takeover and Rebranding!

Elon initiated the Twitter acquisition on 14th April 2022 and completed the acquisition on 27th October 2022. Elon confirmed that Twitter will be rebranded as “X” in July 2023. Let us see all the important events involved at a glance:

  • 21st December 2017: Elon Musk tweeted ‘I Love Twitter’, Dave Smith (One of the verified Twitter users) suggested Elon to buy the Microblogging platform. Elon Musk replied with ‘How much is it?’, we guess that it is on that day that Elon first actually thought of Buying Twitter.
  • 31st January 2022: Elon Musk began buying Twitter’s Shares.
  • 4th April 2022: Musk declared that he had paid $2.64 billion for 9.2% of Twitter’s shares, making him the company’s biggest stakeholder.
  • 5th April 2022: Musk accepted Twitter’s invitation to join the board of directors. BUT, here’s the catch, The position would have limited Elon’s ability to openly discuss Twitter and prevented him from owning more than a 14.9% stake in the company
  • 11th April 2022: Before Musk’s nomination was to take effect, he decided against joining the board after tweeting several negative things about the organization and informed the board that he would make a proposal to privatize Twitter.
  • 12th April 2022: While stakeholder Marc Bain Rasella accused Musk for unlawfully manipulating Twitter’s share price and breaking Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) laws, Twitter’s board met with legal and financial consultants to discuss the implications of such a move as well as their solutions.
  • 14th April 2022: Elon Musk offered to buy Twitter for $43 billion, which is equivalent to $54.20 per share, and take it private.
  • 15th April 2022: Twitter’s governing board unveiled a “poison pill” policy that would let investors buy more stock in the case of a hostile takeover.
  • 20th April 2022: Musk revealed that he had obtained bank financing  from several institutions for a potential bid to buy Twitter.
  • 23rd April 2022: Bret Taylor was informed by Musk that his offer was “final and best” . A letter was delivered the next day pleading with Bret to accept.
  • 5th May 2022: Musk further secured $7.1 billion in funding.
  • 13th May 2022: Following news that 5% of Twitter’s DAUs were spam accounts, which caused Twitter shares to decline by more than 10%, Musk said the transaction had been put “on pause.”
  • 8th July 2022: Musk declared his desire to scrap the deal, stating in a regulatory filing that Twitter had broken key terms of the agreement “materially.”
  • 12th July 2022: Twitter filed its lawsuit against Musk at the Delaware Court of Chancery.
  • 3rd October 2022: Twitter received notification from Musk’s legal team that Elon had shifted his mind and was going ahead with the buyout at the initially offered amount of $54.20 per share, subject to Twitter dropping its lawsuit.
  • 6th October 2022: Musk requested that the trial be delayed until October 28th so that he could complete the debt financing for the acquisition. McCormick granted Musk’s request, noting that the trial would be rescheduled for November’22 if the deal did not close by that date.
  • 27th October 2022: Musk and Twitter finalized the agreement in the late afternoon. Boom! Twitter has a new boss. Welcome, Mr. Musk.
  • 23rd July 2023: Elon Musk said he would do more to take Twitter in a new direction with a rebranding that will replace its well-known blue bird logo with an X.
  • Now X.com redirects to Twitter!

Twitter Demographics: Age

Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat may have snapped up the young demographic, but Twitter has its own unique crowd to appeal to. 

Approximately six of every ten (59.2%) Twitter users worldwide are between 25 and 49 years old (Statista, 2021). This paints a pretty clear picture of Twitter’s appeal to an audience that’s more mature than those of Snapchat and Instagram.

Even though Twitter may be more widely used among older adults, that’s not to say that it’s unpopular among younger ones. In fact, 17.1% of Twitter’s users (or about one in six of them) are between the ages of 18 and 24. There are even some young teens who use the platform—around 6.6% of Twitter’s global base are between 13 and 17 years old. The remaining 17% or so are users aged 50 and above.

Twitter’s Annual Revenue from 2010 Copied Copy To Clipboard

Revenue is the amount of money a company receives from its customers in exchange for the sales of goods or services. Revenue is the top line item on an income statement from which all costs and expenses are subtracted to arrive at net income.

Most of the revenue made by X is through advertising services and Data Licensing.

In the quarter ending March 31, 2022, Twitter reported quarterly revenue of $1.201. In the quarter ending June 20, 2022, its quarterly revenue reached $1.177 billion.  On November 8, 2022, Twitter was delisted from the New York Stock Exchange, and its shares stopped trading on public markets.

In September 2022, Twitter’s shareholders approved the company’s sale to Elon Musk, agreeing to sell their stock to him for $54.20 a share.

Twitter’s Annual Revenue in $US Million

Year Annual Revenue in $US Million
2022 (Q1+Q2) $2,378
2021 $5,077
2020 $3,716
2019 $3,459
2018 $3,042
2017 $2,443
2016 $2,530
2015 $2,218
2014 $1,403
2013 $665
2012 $317
2011 $106
2010 $28


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